Sunday, May 07, 2006


I have not worked on my booga bag since I started this funfur scarf, realized I hated to work with it. I think I'm about halfway through it, and hopefully I'll get an hour or two today to work on it without being interrupted. Especially since the person who requested the funfur scarf has informed me I can also make her a second one when I'm done (?!). I think I will be too busy with other knitting projects, gardening and school to continue making funfur scarfs, though.

Still no word on SP matches. I was hoping to distract myself with that tidbit of knowledge but no such luck. I have six Ti-fauxed Lost episodes calling my name, since Lost is on my homework due date every week and I never get a chance to watch it. Next week, when school is done, I'll have to have a Lost mini-marathon and finish up my booga bag.

I fell in love with a sweater yesterday while reading through people's blogs, and I already have the book with the pattern (To Dye For out of Stitch n Bitch). It meets my requirements of snuggly, soft and flattering! It's a gorgeous color and looked wonderful on the knitter. It looks so much better than the pattern picture!! I especially liked the cowl she did. I'm going to have to add that onto my ever growing list of future projects.

1 comment:

starrypurplehaze said...

Welcome to SP8 from your new hostess. Please check your email, from cecilysp8 AT hotmail DOT com, and I'll be able to send you your match as soon as I hear from you. :)